The Ulysses Syndrome and Ways to Heal Project
The Ulysses Syndrome and Ways to Heal Project raises awareness of the migratory mournings (stressors) experienced by many migrants and refugees around the world. The project materials explain the psychological and physical impact of these stressors and offer ways to heal and build resilience.
Our goal is to help organizations and individuals create more caring,
trauma and healing informed communities where all can blossom and thrive. It is our hope the information will validate migrant/refugee experiences and will lead to more accurate health/wellbeing diagnoses and prevent dismissal of suffering and marginalization.
Refugee resettlement agencies provide shelter, food, and other resources to refugees and migrants when they first arrive in a new community. The assistance, however, is often short-term, very often lasting only a few months. Those new to our communities must then navigate new systems (education, healthcare, legal), a new language, and a new culture often on their own and with limited resources. The stress of needing to adapt to many things quickly along with the trauma that caused refugees and migrants to leave their countries of origin can be overwhelming. For this reason, knowledge of the Ulysses Syndrome is essential for those in communities with refugees and migrants. Healthcare networks, social service agencies, service clubs, schools, businesses, and faith communities can integrate information in the Ulysses Syndrome info sheets, guides, and videos into their daily work and outreach. Individuals can create changes in their own lives and help others, too.
We are deeply grateful to Dr. Joseba Achotegui for his research on migratory mournings and the Ulysses Syndrome and his collaboration on this project. We also extend much gratitude and appreciation to Molina Healthcare and the Weissman Family Fund for supporting our work.
For more information, click here

Learn more about the project
Hui International offers trainings to agencies interested in integrating the information into their own programming and community outreach. For more information, contact

Learn more about the project
Hui International offers trainings to agencies interested in integrating the information into their own programming and community outreach. For more information, contact